Friday, June 24, 2011

Stubbornness, Perseverance, and a Lesson from Cross Country

I have lots of jumbled thoughts to tie together in this post, but here goes nothin'.
Our pastor has spent the last two Sunday nights preaching from James. His message was entitled "Living Faith in a Dying World." He was encouraging everyone to live faithfully through trials. I must confess, as I listened to the message, I was thinking, "I don't need this message. I haven't ever really gone through a trial. I know people with cancer and broken relationships and family issues, but I don't have any of those." But boy, I was wrong. I have come to realize that pretty much anything in your life that you struggle with can be classified as a trial. I have been going through some things lately that I have really been struggling with. I have been extremely stubborn in listening to the Lord, and I have been unwilling to submit to His authority. A.W. Tozer says, "The voice of God is a friendly voice. No one need fear to listen to it unless he has already made up his mind to resist it." Honestly, I had pretty much made up my mind to resist it. I didn't want to be joyful. I wanted everyone to know that I was miserable so that they would feel sorry for me.
But my attitude changed after cross country practice last night. We had had a kinda hard practice. By the time we finished our sprints, I thought I was gonna die. But I persevered through it and by the time we finished our core exercises I felt great. I forgot how hard it was and how much it hurt because the triumph of finishing strong was one of the most amazing feelings in the world. Then I stopped to think. If I can persevere through practice with only my strong will and determination to get me through, then why can't I persevere through these trials when I have God to help me?
So, with God's help, I will be going though this trial with a smile on my face and a determined spirit.

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